Skottustelpa's Page of Fun and Games Very interesting page for all lovers of the Blogg culture. Skottustelpa is incredibly talented and good looking. |
Sunday, March 07, 2004 Well, it looks like I'm going to become a teacher. I didn't get the job I applied for but I got an interwiew for a substitute position. We are two applying for the job. The reason I didn't get invited to interwiew for the position I wanted is because I am not a teacher and the union won't let me work as such. Therefor, they suggested that I took the teachers exam and stayed with them in the meantime. I figure I can take the teachers exam in a year because I can get so much merit (evaluated). The schools here have designed the education to the needs of people like me, who need to work full time. So we're talking two evenings a week plus homework. I could do that. No news otherwise. I got beaten by my mongol girl playing ping pong. I got her back later on the playground. posted by Skotta | 12:38 AM |