Skottustelpa's Page of Fun and Games Very interesting page for all lovers of the Blogg culture. Skottustelpa is incredibly talented and good looking. |
Friday, May 23, 2003 Hey y'all I decided tonight that I am creating a new page. This time I mean it. Hehehehe, you guys must be tired of false alarms. I will create the page on Sunday and you will get the new web-address e-mailed. Why Sunday? It is because of the Eurovision Song Contest, of course!!! For the Yankies: Icelanders were excluded from the contest for years due to the fact that they didn't have a big enough Music Hall to host the contest if they won. Iceland has never won but every year the streets of Reykjavik are empty on the night of the ESC. Icelanders abroad faithfully gather that night and get waisted togeather. Those parties are usually good. Personally, I will be binging on Icelandic candy and dried fish to honor my countries contribution this year; BIRGITTA! posted by Skotta | 12:17 PM Wednesday, May 21, 2003 I am sorry guy's, I meant to tell you about this fantastic performance art thingie I saw tonight and link their website for you to check out. I am so beat after today that I can't remember what they are called!!! That is pretty lame. I will probably remember as soon as I log off. I am really tired, have been busy today. Biking around in the fresh air also tires me. It is welcomed as I hope it will drive my nightmares away. I am working again and I love that. I got quite a shock today when told that I had until tomorrow to tell them what I wanted to get paid! So what am I worth...? posted by Skotta | 2:49 PM Tuesday, May 20, 2003 The Headless Chicken Syndrom The Headless Chicken Syndrom: What women get when they can't make a decision. After washing the nights nightmares off in my powerful shower (dreaming that I was trying to call David at work only to discover that he cowardly had a girl lie for him that he wasn't there), I rode my bike to my lunch date. My lunch date made me Pirates Coffee (not available at Starbucks) which much to my amazement I drank. Pirates Coffee is coffee with water, coffe french press style without the french press. My lunch date came up with the brilliant Headless Chicken Syndrom although we actually know more men than women who suffer from this. This was discussed over crépes. Free of headaches I can now pound down cheese and chockolate. More positive facts of my life: I fit both my jeans. I now look very cute and sexy. Just got invited to go to London for the week. Hmm, what should I do? posted by Skotta | 10:35 AM |